Sunday 13 May 2012

Myofascial Release and the Puking Neighbour

I did something new  today, or more specifically, allowed someone to do something new to me today (and for those of dirty mind, not that kind of new fun). It was  Myofascial release (MFR). When Exercise Guy asked if I was willing to try MFR, I had no clue what he was talking about.  But, this rehab is all about get Sarah fixed, so I'm not going to turn down anything that an experienced professional thinks may add value.  So ... okay,. I'll try.

 We had done a hard (for me) half hour of muscle memory exercises on my spazzy leg requiring focus, concentration and strength. Try to pull the stretchy band this way (use those abductors baby ... you know, the those kick-ass in the gym two weeks ago, abductors), focus on form. Pull the knee toward you, focus on if you can feel the muscles moving.  Lather, Rinse, Repeat.  Then the good leg, but focus on maintaining perfect form with your spazzy right leg.  All things I could have done in my sleep two weeks ago, but were challenging today.  I was up for something that didn't involve leg work.

The theory behind Myofascial release is that irritation of muscle fibres (fascia) causes inflammation. If you don't deal with it, chronic inflammation causes thickening of the connective tissue, which in turn causes pain and irritation, which in turn results in muscle tension that causes more inflammation. Closed loop. MFR is intended to deal with the initial irritation - in my case caused by traumatic surgery. Using gentle pressure on key trigger points, my half hour session felt like incredibly mild massage therapy around my back incision. Not even massage therapy, maybe mild spa massage.  The jury is out on the scientific, provable, benefits of MFR, but whether or not I believe in the science or the theory - I'm all up for relaxation. And it was veeery relaxing. 

My neighbour's day didn't end like mine.  She's out in the hallway where the staff can keep an eye on her,  puking her guts out.

Some days your life isn't so bad.

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