Wednesday 23 May 2012

My Nurse Hugged Me

Not sure what to say about that, exactly.

Its been obvious to the people around me that I have had a rough couple of days since coming back from my weekend at home. I haven't been the cheerful, friendly, enthusiastic person they are used to seeing. I think "morose" is the word that most closely describes how I've been.  My mood certainly caught the attention of the people who interact with me most - my regular three day nurses and physio guy.  They weren't quite sure what to do or say.

Except one.  The one back in my "Welcome to Rehab" post. I believe the quote is "The admitting nurse and I will not get along. I can tell that from the get-go." Even though I didn't particularly like her when I arrived, over the following days I asked about her job and listened to stories about her personal life. Solely for political reasons (see: it's good to be friendly with the nurses).  But somewhere along the line I decided she was ok. I think it was the day I overheard her trying to get important information to a doctor about a patient being discharged the next day. She was frustrated because no one knew what to do. There was no process for that. LOL go figure. THAT's what I think about.

But back to my grumpy mood and everyone not knowing what to do. Everyone except my admitting nurse. She decided that a hug was in order.

Not sure what to do about that, exactly.

Did it give me the creepy-crawlies?  A little.
Did it weird me out?  I think I was more surprised than anything else.
Was I totally comfortable with it?  No, not really.
Did I appreciate her sympathy and support?  Yes
What was my instinctive reaction? RUN LIKE HELL !!
Did I let her hug me?  yes
Did I hug her back?  Hmmmm, not really, but I didn't cringe.

My friends would say that's progress.
But they know not to hug me :)

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