Thursday 14 June 2012

Squats and Storks and Stand ups

I have homework.

New physio, round 1, started today with a run through of workouts that I have to do as homework to compliment the physio done in-house at the hospital.  Okay ... cool. easy enough.

HA !!  I didn't do that kind of awful ab work when I was in the gym before surgery! You know, those dreaded leg raises and hold, hold, hold, hold.  Or leg extensions and hold, hold, hold, hold.  They were hard enough when I was able bodied, let alone now that one leg wants to wander all through the air and I have to focus intensely to try to even keep my feet together. 

And squats.  Really, what's up with the squats?  2 sets of 15 ... and I have to look after every one or two squats to make sure that my right foot/leg hasn't twisted out of alignment or position.  I hated squats when I had full use of my legs and I hate them now.  Too bad for me.

Lots of sit/stand repeats (oh, the things you take for granted), heel/toe one foot in front of the other balance work (yeah, I have to hold on for that one), and doing standing leg raises that made me feel very stork-like.  A wobbly-need-to-hold-on stork, but good practice for the leg.

Then the stretching and flexibility.  Sigh ... my hands haven't seen my toes in 30 years, and as much as I was making progress before surgery, it's all disappeared in the last six weeks.  I'm sure it looked like I was just sitting there with my hands on my knees, but honest, it was pulling the backs of my knees and hamstrings like crazy.

I'll be sore tomorrow, but it will be the good kind of sore - the kind where you accomplished a workout and you muscles ask you for a bit of space to recover. The kind of workout that makes you feel better for having done it. The kind of sore that means progress.


  1. You were sounding a little more like Tony Horton in the last post. Good work on the physio, though. It feels good to move. I like that kind of sore, too. You always feel better after you move - you knew that from all the running, etc that you did before. Not everyone does. Keep it up!

  2. I'll set my sights on P90X !
