Saturday, 23 June 2012

Why is "GO SLOW" Not in My Nature?

How many times have I warned myself about too much too soon.

Right.  A million.

When you do things too quickly, you learn and reinforce bad habits. This simply results in doing something awesomely, badly.  I know this. I've lived this. I've warned myself about this.  But apparently leopards are leopards and all the intellectual arguing in the world doesn't stop me from doing what I always do.  Too much too soon.

In my frustration to get mobile I've been reinforcing some bad habits.  I knew it.  I warned myself about it.  "Sarah, that's not a good thing to be doing ... slow down and do it properly".  I continued to do it.  Today I pay for it.

I've managed, through compensating for bad posture, bad positioning, and bad habits, to strain/pull/stress/tear a muscle or two in my back.  If I twist, turn, stress, cough, sneeze or otherwise move the wrong way, Holy Flippin' OUCH!   Pain worse than any of the pain I went through post surgery.  The kind of pain that makes you stop breathing.  The kind of pain that makes those bads words come out of your mouth, even in front of your kids.

From what triggers it, I can tell what caused it. When you stand up - always push (never pull) and use your legs! When you walk, weight bear equally and use your canes (never hobble with no canes). When you reach, use your legs (don't over-extend). Turn your body (don't twist your back).

Apparently those physio guys know their stuff better than I do. 

Go figure.

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