Thursday 23 August 2012

"Getting a Life" Isn't a Slam Dunk

You know it's time to get a life when:
  • you purposely omit half your grocery list so you have an excuse to go to the grocery store again later in the week
  • your parents stopping by to visit is A BIG EVENT
  • you anxiously await the mailman and are disappointed when there's no mail
  • you start replying to spam email
  • you consider scambaiting a valid hobby
  • you start doing half loads of laundry for something to do
  • you comment on every status update your friends make on Facebook
  • you actually go to "after the show" on
  • you're watching every episode of Criminal Minds, Big Bang Theory and any true crime show you can find even though it's rerun season

I found myself saying "yes" to many of those points, so, I started the monumental task of getting everyone on board with allowing me to go back to work.  I knew from past conversations with my employer that I am not currently the master of my working destiny.  Well ... that sucks.  The realist in me knew that as much as I enjoy my full-time salary,  the big bang approach wasn't going to work. Even I could admit that I'm probably not up to full time, five days per week, in the office. (Mind you, saying that I'm "probably" not up to it, hardly sounds like admitting it.)

But wanting to go back, doesn't mean I get to go back. It's amazing the number of people who get to meddle in your life when you're off on disability. I have three doctors, a physiotherapist, two disability insurers, my boss, human resources ... and then there are my friends and family who think they have an opinion  :)  Getting all but friends and family to agree (because really, they have no say) is quite the task, but as of this morning, the relevant parties have reached an "acceptable to all" solution.

YAY !!  My canes and I are going back to work next week!!

 For next week and September I'll start with two days per week in the office and see how it goes.  I'm confident that I can make it happen, and I'm sure I'll be tired at first, but you can't do until you do.  ("I can't do until I do" is my new favourite saying, closely followed by "I don't know what I don't know".) I'll never get  back to work unless I get back to work, and trust me, I'm doing everyone around me a favour.  People have been good at hiding their eye-rolls and most listen patiently to my latest update on how I'm doing, but even I think I'm boring now.

I officially declare it time to get a life.

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