Friday 7 September 2012

Fifty Shades of Physio

Who knew I'd get to be all harnessed up for a physio appointment ... there's some fun to be had with that !

Physio guy has decided it's time to run.

I'm all over the idea of running.  Heck, I can barely walk, but I'm game to try to run!  Running has a totally different leg stride than walking, so it is actually a very different physio exercise.  But how do you teach someone to run who can't even hop with one leg?

The answer ... Fify Shades of Physio

This funky and cool treadmill (that's not me on it) allows the harness to hold  your weight while the patient tries to learn the stride.  No worries about falling, weight bearing, ankle or knee twisting, or any other bad thing. I will admit to a little social awkwardness as I was putting on the harness, with help.  I did manage to avoid making any wise-ass comments about "are you sure we know each other well enough for this", and was waiting for him to ask "do you trust me".   I mean, I like him as a physio guy, but he's really not my type (not to mention he's probably 20 years younger than me, and I am so not his type!).

It was, so far, my weirdest physio experience.  My legs had no idea what to do, my brain got frustrated because IT knew what to do but my legs weren't cooperating, and the proprioception issues extend up to my waist, so maintaining a forward facing position was almost impossible.

I'd say, not bad for a first time effort.

Update:  Today was attempt number 2 and I did it!  It was awesome!  I could only handle 3 minutes at a time, with significant rest in between, and I only got up to a 13:30 minute mile pace (which is very slow), but it was the most liberating feeling and I think everyone in the place could tell I was over-the-moon excited.

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